Fr. Brannen Needs You!

Fr. Brannen Needs Five Good Men for Welcome: CRHP 2.0!

Fr. Brett Brannen is looking for five good men to attend a special retreat this coming weekend, Saturday and Sunday April 7-8, here at Blessed Sacrament Church.  The retreat, called Welcome (Christ Renews His Parish) is being put on by men of the parish for men of the parish, with the priests present and participating.  The retreat has room for 30 men, plus the 15 men on the retreat team.  Due to health issues and family and work obligations, there are five unexpected vacancies.  To attend this retreat, a man must be Catholic and a member of Blessed Sacrament Church in Savannah,  Ga.  If you would like to attend, please email Fr. Brannen ( or Mark Bouy (  Or you can call the parish office at 912-356-6980.  There is no cost for the retreat.


Fr. Brett Brannen


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