Our Lady of Grace Garden to Honor Fr. Jeremiah McCarthy

We are getting closer to our goal which means we are closer to making the Lady of Grace Garden to honor the late Fr. Jeremiah McCarthy come to life! Please consider donating to the Father McCarthy Memorial Fund.

Blessed Sacrament Church would like to honor the late Father Jeremiah McCarthy for his seventeen years of service to our parish and school by creating a memorial garden in his honor. We still need your help to have this memorial garden come to fruition in 2021. Donations may be made through the Parish office, basket or online. If you give by cash or check please specify on the envelope or in the check memo field that the donation is for the Fr. McCarthy Memorial. Online givers will see a button designated for the Fr. McCarthy Memorial.

DONATE NOW-McCarthy Memorial / Lady of Grace Garden (Look for the yellow flowered envelope titled McCarthy Memorial Garden).

Thank you!

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