We Have Room For YOU!

There’s plenty of room in the pews to spread out – at any one of our 10 Mass offerings each week. Masks are in the back of the Church

School is BACK in Session!

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will resumed classes this past Monday, August 10th. The Administration and BSS Safe Start Task Force have been working hard to establish a Safe Start blueprint to help protect the safety of our children, faculty and staff. In order to be COVID-compliant, many items have had to be purchased that were not originally planned for in the 2020-2021 budget.


BSS welcomes students back to school toady. We are so excited to have students back on campus.

Campus Security

School starts Monday, Aug 10th. Help us keep our students safe by following campus security protocols.

BSC: Providing A Safe Environment

Blessed Sacrament is committed to providing a safe environment and to protecting our children. Anyone wishing to work or volunteer in our church or school must be VIRTUS certified.