Pack the Pantry

BACKPACK BUDDIES is always in need of individual single servings for student’s
backpacks. Item always needed: juice boxes, sandwich crackers, pudding/
applesauce/fruit cups, cereal bars, small cereals, meal type small pop-top cans
(beans & franks, ravioli, beef stew, etc.), saltine type crackers (1 sleeve in
each backpack), individually packaged sunflower seeds/trail mixes/dried fruits, apples, oranges…Baskets are in the narthex for these collections.

THE SOCIAL APOSTOLATE is always in need of Kroger cards, peanut butter & jelly, tuna, etc. They are also in need of personal hygiene items and diapers (especially sizes 3, 4 & 5)

If you contribute to the United Way, please consider designating the Social Apostolate to receive your contribution.

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