Questions about Catholicism?

Welcome to RCIA!  Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Or are you thinking about becoming Catholic yourself? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process designed for adults who are curious about the Catholic faith, as well as those who are seriously considering becoming Catholic. IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN US! Classes start Tuesday, Sept. 22, 7:00-8:30 PM, we will meet each Tuesday evening until Easter.  

Why do Catholics focus on the Blessed Virgin Mary? Why do we pray to Saints? Is  the  Holy  Eucharist really the Body and Blood of Our Lord? And where are all these things in the Bible? Come and find the answers to these and other questions, contact Brandon Wallace (921) 308-5007 or


Important!: With Covid 19 challenges it is important that we get a count of how many people to expect and depending on the number — we plan on meeting in person, following social distancing and safety guidelines.

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