Stewardship Ministries

1 Peter 4:10-13

“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used
in the service of others. So use your gift well. If you have the gift of speaking, preach
God’s message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God
supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of
Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen.”

Blessed Sacrament Church is a stewardship parish.   We offer many opportunities to share one’s time, talent and treasure of Stewardship.   Please explore the below outlined ministries and discover where God is leading you.


Stewardship is living our Baptism everyday.  It is a disciple’s way of life in which we accept gratefully the blessings and gifts God gives.  We cultivate and develop those gifts responsibly, share them lovingly and in justice, and give return to God with increase.  All that we do whether as an individual, a spouse, a priest, a parent, a son, a daughter, an employee, a religious, a neighbor, an employer or a volunteer is stewardship.

As good stewards of our TIME we …

  • Make Mass a top priority on Sunday
  • Spend time in prayer each day
  • Pray with family and loved ones
  • Study and share the faith as a disciple

As good stewards of our TALENTS we …

  • Become active in parish ministries
  • Remain open to new ministries
  • Teach our children to serve in the church
  • Look for opportunities to work for peace and justice

As good stewards of our TREASURE

  • Make an intentional gift each week or month
  • Base this gift on a percentage of income
  • Use offertory envelopes

Blessed Sacrament Church Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee at Blessed Sacrament is a faith community of men and women who strive…

  • to learn more about a stewardship way of life in order to live as Jesus’ disciples;
  • to help educate and lead the parish in its commitment to an active and growing faith life;
  • to provide an annual stewardship fair to help parishioners find their right volunteer involvement;
  • to present stewardship witness talks for annual renewal;
  • to organize a parish stewardship appreciation dinner each year.

To learn more about our Stewardship Committee please contact the Parish Office today!