Adoration Calendar

We have worked hard to prepare our Perpetual Adoration Availability Calendar. Please review the calendar below and contact John Burns (EMAIL: to sign up for an hour today, or call the parish office (912) 356-6980!

NOTE: In the chart below, the red “NEED” label means there are openings for 2 Adorers during that time slot. The black “NEED” label means there is an opening for 1 Adorer in that time slot. The label “occupied” means 2 Adorers are currently scheduled for that time slot.

(In consideration of all who wish to worship in the Adoration Chapel, please see the recommended health precautions during the current coronavirus environment.) 

Suggested Health Precautions during the coronavirus pandemic:

Maximum Capacity: 2 persons (please use Social Distancing, a 6-foot distance)

Registered & Committed Adorers: Have priority for their Designated hour

Masks: Highly Recommended

Please wipe down the prie dieu & pew after your prayer time with the disinfectant provided.

If the Chapel is full: Please pray in the Church between 7:00am & 4:00pm daily (observing social distancing).

Thank you!

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