2020 in the rearview; 2021 straight ahead! ALL ARE INVITED TO COME BACK TO MASS!
Even during all the adversity of 2020, it is good for us to sit and reflect on the year as a whole. Even with all the turmoil and upheaval there were still some major milestones in so many of our lives. Perhaps a loved one got married, or you welcomed a new child into the world. Perhaps you caught up via Zoom with a long-lost friend or reconnected with family members. Those are events that even amid a pandemic brought us joy. Like with every new year, we are provided with a new beginning a fresh start. We leave 2020 in our rearview mirror and look forward to what is to come. As we plunge headfirst into 2021 may it be a time of renewal, in our faith in God, in our relationships with one another and in our commitment to serve our Savior Jesus Christ. As we begin this New Year may God grant you and your family many blessings throughout this year. You are in my thoughts and prayers as we tackle whatever is ahead in 2021.
Yours in Christ

JOIN US as we come together to pray for our community, our Country and our world. To accommodate for proper social distancing, please RSVP so we know how many to prepare for. SEE YOU January 9th in the BSS gym, immediately following 8:00 a.m. Mass, as we kick off the new year with the power of prayer.
RSVP: Prayer Breakfast

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church | 1003 E. Victor Drive | Savannah, Georgia | 31405
mbschurch.org | 912.356.6980