Are Your Thriving? Or, Just Surviving? WELCOME (CRHP 2.0)

Pastor’s Wish List:  Catholic people often joke that it is very hard to say “no” to a priest or nun when they personally ask you to do something for the Church, especially when it is a very reasonable request.  This spring, the parish will again offer the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP 2.0) WELCOME retreats.  The men’s retreat is March 30-31 and the women’s retreat is April 13-14.  Both retreats are held  right here in the Blessed Sacrament  gymnasium.  If you have not yet attended this retreat, I am asking you to do so.  In my many years as a priest, I have rarely seen anything as effective to help people in their personal spiritual lives as this retreat.  If you are asked to attend, please say “yes.” If you haven’t been asked, please sign up on your own!

There is NO CHARGE for you to attend this retreat.

For more information on the men’s retreat, please contact Heath Moyer Email:

Men’s 2019 Registration Form:  2019 Mens Welcome Registration

For more information on the women’s retreat, please contact Ethel Tuttle Email:

Women’s 2019 Registration Form: 2019 Womens Welcome Registration Form

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