If you are looking for a way to participate in your parish, but not sure if you have enough time…please consider the stewardship of counting the weekly offertory. We are looking for volunteers to work once a month. It only takes a little time on Monday mornings!

We need a few more volunteers to help tabulate the weekly Mass Offertory and Second collections. We count in teams of two or more people. Each team is assigned to count on the same Monday (i.e., 1st, 2nd,
3rd or 4th Monday) of each month plus the 5th Monday (when there is one). Each counting session usually requires 2.5 to 3 hours. If you can’t count every month, please consider being an occasional substitute when one of the regular Money Counters is on vacation or ill. Training will be provided.
Contact Bernard Doyle at 912-247-3715 or wbdoyle@comcast.net