Parish Mission Starts Sunday!

Friendship with Christ

The Art of Conversing with our Lord


Parish Mission starts this weekend! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday nights; 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Church

Fr. Tim McKeown

            A special welcome to Fr. Tim McKeown, who will be preaching our parish mission this week!  Fr. McKeown was formerly an associate priest here at Blessed Sacrament, and many of you remember him.  He has been pastor of St. Matthew’s in Statesboro and served in several other diocesan assignments, including Vocation Director.  He also spent three years as Vice Rector of the North American College, a U.S. seminary in Rome.  Fr. McKeown is currently the Pastor of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Brunswick, Ga.  He has been a very good friend and confidant of mine for many years, and he has a great love for Jesus Christ and His holy, Catholic Church.

The mission is entitled “Friendship with Christ; The Art of Conversing with our Lord.”  Fr. McKeown will speak about our personal lives of prayer, and discuss ways to deepen that most foundational relationship of life.  Every Catholic, truth be told, should try to make at least one resolution on prayer every year of life!  We all pray, but none of us prays as much as we should, or as well as we should.  We all pray, but we have to admit that sometimes we don’t really know how to pray.

Our friendship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing in the spiritual life, and every other good thing comes from that friendship!  But people “become” friends only when they spend time together…talking, listening, laughing, weeping.  And friends become better friends when they have  walked  through  suffering  together,  helping one another in times of trial.

Please come to the parish mission December 8, 9 and 10th from 6:30-7:30 in the Church.  That is Sunday (tonight), Monday and Tuesday night for one hour.  Jesus is never outdone in generosity!  If you show up, I can promise that you will receive a special grace of prayer.  What a great way to live out Advent and to prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ!


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